Sunshine Blogger Award!

Another award to Foodeez Junction, after Liebster Award – the Sunshine Blogger Award! Thanks to my blogger friend Shandra who nominated me for this award. You can check her amazing blog, that talks all about food!

What is the Sunshine Blogger Award? This is awarded to those bloggers who bring positivity and inspiration to their readers and followers.

The Rules:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you.
  2. Answer the 11 questions from your nominator.
  3. Nominate 11 bloggers.
  4. Give them 11 questions to answer.
  5. Notify your nominees through comments on their blogs.

Answers to the questions asked for the Sunshine Blogger Award

Besides blogging, what do you like to do for fun?

Shop, cook, eat and read.

Do you consider writing a childhood dream?

Well, yes!

Who would you say would be your inspiration?

My mom is always my inspiration; I’d always wanted to be like her

Once you’re blogging do you feel a sense of happy pride?

Of course, yes! Writing has always lifted up my mood. And knowing when my foodie friends are reading, I feel more connected!

What visions do you have in your blog?

I had always liked talking about food and want to make my blog, Foodeez Junction, a platform for the foodies.

Who is your target audience when you blog?

An Eggless Pancake With a Twist

Everyone who wants to cook and really know how to enjoy the food.

Did you get help creating or putting your blog together?

I did my homework, read a lot before starting my blog. I would say those readings from my fellow bloggers helped me in putting up the blog.

Is your blog kid-friendly?

It is kid-friendly. My blog, is all about recipes and food.

Who supports you in writing your story?

My family and friends. They help me in sharing recipes, cooking and eating at restaurants too – I recently started restaurant reviews – following which I would cook and then share with everyone here.

Who do you dedicate your blog to or in memory of?

I would dedicate this blog to all the foodies.

Do you plan on making a business out of your blog?

Yes, any kind of suggestions on how to start with, are welcome, as I’m still in the process on how to earn.

Questions for my nominees of the Sunshine Blogger Award

  1. What is your blog about?
  2. Why do you blog?
  3. Food to you is…?
  4. Besides blogging, what’s your favourite hobby?
  5. Do you plan on making a business out of your blog?
  6. What inspires you to write?
  7. What is your biggest achievement?
  8. What do you day dream about?
  9. What is the happiest moment in your life?
  10. Do you cook or order food?
  11. What is the best advice you would give to a newbie (blogger)?
Liebster Award!

My nominees:

  1. Divya
  2. Suzanne
  3. Halee
  4. Granny Apples
  6. Santosh
  7. Majka
  8. Vandana
  9. Rachel
  10. Andrea
  11. Nadira
  12. Shanthini

Congratulations to my fellow bloggers who have been nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award. I have nominated 12 because you all deserve this nomination!