Fruit Chat, a Quick and Easy Recipe

Fruit Chat Recipe is quick and easy to make. You can have it in snacks, before evening tea

Say Chat and you will see our brightened faces – that’s how we react on the word Chat! But this Fruit chat recipe is very different from a typical chat like aloo tikki, dahi puri, pani puri and more.

The fruit chat has sweet and tangy taste. Try it out once and I’m sure you’ll love it. The fruit chat recipe is super easy and quick to make. It can be made within 15 minutes if you are good and fast at cutting the fruits

This easy and colourful cuisine is popular by the name of fruit chat in north India and in the rest of India, it is also known as fruit salad. Call it fruit chat or fruit salad, you’ll get addicted to this snack, I’m sure.

How to Make Mixed Fruit Chat

Fruit chat is an absolutely popular and colourful dish which is mixed and tossed together with sugar, lemon juice and black pepper. Know here the recipe of Fruit Chat and make it at your home.

Bhindi Recipe, Less Ingredients and an Awesome Taste

This fruit chat recipe serves 4; time taken – 15 minutes

Everything you Need

  • 1/2 cup pomegranate seeds
  • 1 cup diced apples
  • 3 diced bananas (peeled)
  • 1 cup green grapes; you can cut each grape into half, it’s completely optional
  • 1 cup diced guavas
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • 1/2 tsp black pepper powder or kali mirch powder
  • Salt to taste
  • 1 pinch of chat masala

Mix your Fruit Chat!

Put all fruits, pomegranate seeds, diced apples, bananas and guavas, and grapes in a large bowl and toss them. Now, add sugar, kali mirch powder, salt, chat masala and mix well. Squeeze the juice of one full lemon in the fruit chat and mix again.

Assorted Fruits on Bowl

Fruit Chat is ready!! Yes that’s it. The easiest of all recipes yet high on nutrition.

Note: You can add other fruits like diced strawberries, diced pears, black grapes, kiwis to this fruit chat – take these fruits half cup each. Remember as the ingredients will increase, the quantity will increase too.

Fruit Chat Tip

You can peel apples. You can take oranges but many doesn’t like the skin of orange pieces while having fruit salad or fruit chat, so you can skip it.

— Recipe and Images Shared by Sara Khan